Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Staying Awake and Dealing Unpolite People

Since my last entry I have been a bit all over the place! My last entry I was getting head aches again and had been put back on steroids. This worked and still is but made my body clock go a bit strange. The steroids were to see if they could help my sight cone back a bit more but not much has happened. I got back on the tablet on Friday, was a bust dag, which I mentioned in my last entry. After that entry we went out for the evening, I did not feel sleepy at all, I didn't feel sleepy for the whole night! Went to bed at 11pm and was tossing and turning for hours, just couldn't drop off, I was trying games, TV and at 4am i came to the decision to go and watch a film. i just could not full asleep, I watched American Gangster and at about 5.30 am decided to give sleep another go. SUCCESS!!! I fell asleep, but my body did not care what time i fell asleep as far as it was concerned I was going to wake up at 7.30 am, I think I got just over 2 hours sleep. I felt fine and slightly refreshed, saw my wife go out for a bike ride, but sleep was no option, my body was happy with a power nap.

The family BBQ was at about 1pm, Melissa got back from her 40 mile bike ride and we were meeting my parents there later. I had been looking forward to this for ages but in the back of my mind was worrying about staying awake and becoming grumpy. When we arrived I was offered somewhere for a nap but I did not want to miss out.

As the day went on we played a few games had some lunch and soaked up the sun, few hours down the line I still felt pretty bloody good. Then one my best mates popped over to see how i was doing as have not seen him for a few months. All this was keeping me going and happy, grumpy Andrew was not appearing.

The day turned into night and I was still going. I had been in the Jacuzzi once already but went in again. This time though I went in on the hope it would help me relax. Indeed it did, i was in for a while, i dried off and we were the last to leave the party. Got back to my parents and I slept for t hours straight. I still am amazed how long i was awake for, over 40 hours sleep with a 2 hour nap in the middle, in my opinion i was not grumpy.

We had a few things to sort out but after living in hospital then at my parents, Melissa and I were moving home. Was looking forward to it, my Mum and Dad had been brilliant and it never felt strange living back there. This felt like the next step for me though, even though i am still recovering and need to rest it meant i got some independence back.

Since being back for 2 days I have had on and off moments, Monday I slept a lot, this does not bother me too much it just frustrates me when i cannot get the energy to do the minor things. i wanted to update my blog but with being tired and rubbish vision I couldn't update it. Also it was Melissa's 25th birthday, but I could not get the energy to take her out, this a contract promising to take her out when I am well.

I was allowed out by myself to day, not far, i went to aldi to get some bread. I felt ok about it, was just very cautious. But got a woman shout and moan at me. I was queueing at the till, when it was my turn the guy on the till passed me my plastic bag. Now i believe i am on a bout 25% vision on my right so i could not see anything. the woman behind me then raises her voice at me like i am a piece of crap on her shoe that he is talking to me. I was very happy with my response, I turned towards her, which allowed me to see the bag and polity said I can only see a small amount out of that eye and i could not see what he was doing. i turned back round, got my shopping and left. I was annoyed but she was not worth it, suppose i may have looked like i was ignoring the check out bloke, he was still polite, the customers were the problem.

Tomorrow is my first trip back to Romford hospital for a appointment with my surgeon, will be getting test results and full feed back from the awake crainotony. So looking forward to hearing the results and maybe getting some pictures of my brain. It is on my mind a bit, but if something really horrible would have been fined i would have been already back in hospital. Hopefully this will also show the next step for my eye sight, it is still crap. No headaches but  i have still only got a small percentage of vision from it, here is a wikipedia link which gives a rough explanation of the lack of vision in my right eye.

Hope this reads ok, this is my longest blog i have done so far so please forgive my grammar and spelling, i have tried to sort it as well as I can.

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